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How to Have Casual Sex?

Does that sound like a strange thing to talk about? It is the question you should be asking. It is not as “casual” as you think it is. Yes, there are no emotions involved, but that might not be good news for some people. Also, you need years of experience and time to be able to enjoy hookup dating.
Just because you are heart-broken, jealous, or bored doesn’t mean you have to get involved in a casual hookup. You need to make sure you are ready to have only sex. Otherwise, you will be guilt-ridden like 90% of the people who have casual sex.
Step 1: Avoid Drunk Nights
Yes, you will not remember anything when you wake up the next morning. But you won’t even enjoy the sex. You might even dose off in the middle of your partner might vomit. That is not pretty right! It is easy to find a casual night partner at night bars or pubs, but most people are sloppy and drunk. Check out some casual dating websites where the members are on board with one night's plan without any commitment or emotions.
Step 2: Don’t Be Mean
You will not meet him or her ever again, but that does not mean you should be mean or hurtful to the other person. Be nice and kind and you will enjoy sex. Talking dirty and being mean are two different things. Before you progress to the act, make sure you talk about what you want him or her to do. This will increase the pleasure. If you are the type of person who likes foreplay, mention that to your partner.
Step 3: Get Ready!
When you know, you will end up in a casual hookup dating, put in some effort before you leave your home. Wash into a clean and beautiful person, have some nice perfume, and make sure you don’t eat anything with raw onions or garlic. The onion or garlic breath is one of the biggest turn-offs. For women, make sure you go for a shaving session if you have inherited the genes for body hair.
Step 4: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
The whole concept of casual sex is hooking up with strangers who don’t know anything about you. Therefore, this is the perfect time to reinvent yourself and try new things. Check out some new sex positions that you haven’t tried before. Keep out of missionary, please! Also, if you are not much of a talking person, it is time to try dirty talking. Tell your partner what you like and about him or her.
Step 5: Keep Romance Away
Casual sex is more about just enjoying sex. If you let romance come in between, and you become a bag of emotions that nobody needs right now. Keep the candle nights away or guitar or poetry away. If you are bringing someone home, make sure your bed is clean and made properly.
Step 6: Safety is Priority
Whatever may be the circumstances, nobody deserves to have STDs and suffer for the rest of their lives. You never know what kinds of diseases are carried by your partner or the illness their multiple partners had before you. The best way to avoid such problems is to use a condom. There are some forms of protection for women too, but they might not be very comfortable.
Step 7: Be Polite
If you are the guest for the casual hookup dating, make sure you don’t kick out people early in the morning. If someone is coming in the morning that should not see your casual sex partner, just let them know before going to sleep. You can also have breakfast together or at least have coffee.
Step 8: Light and Breezy
You don’t have to talk about things. Don’t talk about anything other than the food you are eating. Maybe you can talk about your hobbies, your work. Don’t go overboard talking about how you were not treated right during your childhood or how you just broke up with your long-time partner.
Step 9: Deal with the Consequences
A casual hookup has many consequences that nobody talks about. Even when you try to stay away from emotions and commitments, you might see yourself drawn towards that person when all you get is your messages going to voicemail and blue-ticked messages.
Step 10: Spice Up Your Night
A casual hookup need not be just a wham-bam. You may start slow. Have some good food followed by wine. Don’t get drunk. Wine will calm your nerves. Indulge in some good-old foreplay with some massages.