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Male Hookup Sites in 2021 You Should Know About

Male hookup sites are dating sites where men can join, set up an account, and message and contact other men. It is very easy and simple to start dating men, just register and be aware of all the most attractive men.

What Are Male Hookup Sites?

All hookup sites are dating sites that men can join, set up an account, and message and contact other men. However, while some dating sites focus on fostering long-term relationships, other sites focus on fostering short-term relationships, possibly as short as one night. It’s your personal decision whether or not you want casual sex, but if you do want to, male hookup sites can help. These are sites where gay men, bisexual men, and bi-curious men meet one another, exchange messages, and have sex with one another. Male hookup sites tend to work better than heterosexual sites because more men are interested in casual sex.
logo Gaysgodating

With over a million users, GaysGoDating has a solid member base. The free mode isn’t very useful, as the unique features, such as the FlirtCast, are only available to paying members. However, at a dollar a day (less if you sign up for three months), GaysGoDating is pretty cheap. There is an app.
logo Bromodates

Bromodates is a nondescript male hookup site with an unknown number of users. There is no app, and it’s not cheap; nearly $60 for one month (though the price comes down to just over $20 per month with a three-month subscription). There is no way to verify people’s profiles, so this male hookup site seems suspicious.
logo MenNation

Some reviews claim that MenNation has over 100,000,000 users. This is a lie. Like many other male hookup sites, the free version offers almost nothing. Charging $30 is quite a bit, but the monthly average comes down if you lock into a longer subscription. There is no app. This site is suspicious.
logo AdultFriendFinder


Adult Friend Finder also boasts over 100,000,000 “active members”, which seems to count every visit to the website. A more realistic number is around eight million. They claim to have an app, but it may not work. The free version is decent, so you may not want to pay $20-$40 per month. Unfortunately, it’s not great for gays.
logo Grindr


Grindr is a cheap and possibly the most popular exclusively male hookup app with more than five million monthly users across the globe. The grinder has an app for both Android and iOS. Grindr is free to use, but you can use more features if you pay $9.99 per month (or less for longer subscriptions).

Do Legitimate Male Hookup Sites Actually Exist?

Anonymous male hookup sites are indeed real. But there are fake sites out there, so be careful. However, generally speaking, it’s easier for gay men to meet each other for casual sex using a website or app. There’s less of a threat of sexual violence and shaming when two men are involved (though there is still a risk, please be careful). For this reason, a gay or bi man looking to hookup with another man is likelier to find success on a male hookup site. There’s less of a need for these sites to create fake male profiles to entice gay or bi men to join up.

What Separates the Good Male Hookup Sites from the Bad?

Even sites with plenty of men will have some fake male profiles; that’s just the nature of the business. It’s a question of how many fake profiles you can stomach and if those are just fake profiles that slipped through the cracks or if the site sets them up to get you to join. Cost is also a factor, but the free sites aren’t always very good. Also, consider that, while some sites offer male-male connections, they’re not very good at facilitating gay dating, so you might prefer to sign up for a specifically male-dating-male site.

What is

HookupID evaluates, reviews, and ranks dating sites to help users find the option for them. This includes male dating sites. Founded in 2020, HookupID strives to combat the ever-growing problem of untrustworthy dating and hookup sites out there. There is a wide range of dating platforms out there and plenty of male hookup sites, so how can you know which ones are legit? Which ones are right for you? HookupID offers reviews of numerous male hookup sites. On HookupID you can find proven information about what different male hookup sites have to offer and some of their statistics.


Why Do People Use Online Male Hookup Sites?

A lot of guys enjoy hooking up. Male hookup sites make this easy to do.

Are Male Hookup Sites Safe?

They’re as safe as you are. Meet in public first, have safe sex, beware of scammers.

How to Avoid Getting Caught on Male Hookup Sites?

You don’t have you use your real name, but you should use a real picture.