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Know Your Dating Sites: Explore Hookupid Reviews.Trust but verify! There’re lots of sites to find a hookup online, but only a few will guarantee you a great night. Hookupid’s experts checks out and reviews various dating platforms to test the usability and determine which ones to use and what services to avoid.
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Zoosk Review

Reviewed by
Raffael Krause
Reviewed on
Editor Rating
Membership Base
Match & Search
Cost & Prices

Pros And Cons

Pros of Zoosk dating:

There is a free app on both Apple and Google app stores.
Profiles on the site have multiple categories and fields.
People on the site can use a chat room to network and connect.
You can create an account via Facebook or Google for speed.
Registration is free and takes about five minutes max.
There are multiple dating options, from casual hookups to long-term relationships.

Cons of Zoosk.com:

The membership is enormous; it can feel pretty overwhelming.
Customer support is relatively unresponsive if you have to report an issue.
Quite a few accounts aren't in use or are blank.
There are some fake people on the app.
Messaging is a premium feature only.
Incognito safety settings are also a paid-for tool.

Is Zoosk Legit?

So, how authentic is Zoosk.com dating? It's ranked among the best hookup sites in Rochester NY, and with a membership of over 20 million US singles, it's a well-established option.
Zoosk Inc. owns the platform with headquarters in San Francisco, and while there are some reports of scammers, it seems a legitimate and trustworthy site.

How Does Zoosk Work?

Zoosk dating is unusual because there are multiple age groups, people looking for casual flings and serious relationships, and a considerable volume of match suggestions to work through.
It works like this:
  • When you register, you're asked to add things to your profile like your preferences, relationship values, personality, etc.
  • The site provides a matchmaking service with a Behaviour Matchmaking algorithm that learns your actions as you use the site more and finesses your recommended dates.
  • You can also use SmartPick, which helps you find better eligibility and more suitable single people.

Membership Structure

Membership here is substantial, with 20 million users in the states. There are approximately 40 million members globally, with the majority age group 25-34.
The gender split is relatively even, with 55% men and 45% women.

Cost Pricing and Plans

There are two payment options for members; you can sign up for a monthly subscription or purchase coins to use for premium features such as sending virtual gifts.
Duration Costs Total
One month subscription $29.99/ Month $29.99
Three month subscription $20.00/ Months $59.99
Six month subscription $12.50/ Month $74.99
180 Coins $0.11/ Coin $19.99
480 Coins $0.08/ Coin $39.99

Zoosk Special Features

Our Zoosk dating app review found a stack of special features - although most will require a premium account!
  • SmartPick is the algorithm tool that creates tailored matchmaking suggestions based on your activity on the site - you need to use the introductions quickly in any account mode, as they expire if not.
  • Dating insights allow you to learn about the common characteristics in the profiles you're attracted to and what you have in common with people you choose to message.
  • Connections are a quick way to contact someone you have a personal attraction to, sending a smile or heart.
  • Super Send boosts your message, meaning you can chat with multiple people at once.
  • Boost is a premium option to increase your profile visibility and ensure more users notice you more quickly.

Security and support

The platform is relatively secure, but there are a few issues.
  • Our Zoosk dating site review uncovered several reports of spam accounts or profiles that are inactive and haven't been removed from the site.
  • You can contact customer support, but they don't always respond.
However, you can report and block uses you don't wish to connect with, and the site admin will prevent them from messaging you again.
Users can verify their profile, and opting out can mean your profile is disabled, so it seems that the number of scammers is being reduced through moderation.

Our Experience on Zoosk

This platform is a big dating site, and provided you're happy to have a large number of matches to filter through, the membership base means there is a higher than average chance of meeting someone compatible.

The network is hue, the site is easy to use, the apps work perfectly, and there are many features.

While premium membership isn't the cheapest, we found that the intuitive interface and advanced algorithm behavior tracking features add value and help you narrow down your search criteria to find dates you'll want to meet.

Sign Up Process

Sign up Process Zoosk

The Zoosk.com registration process is as straightforward as it gets. When you visit the website, you'll need to fill in a few basics:

  • Your gender and sexuality preferences.
  • Date of birth.
  • Email address and a selected password.

You'll come to a Captcha to verify you're not a bot and then can upload a profile photo, fill in some information about yourself, or import your details from a social media or Google account.

Note that sign-up will check your VPN, so it'll know if you're trying to use a different zip code than your current location

Profile Creation

Profiles on Zoosk are relatively detailed, although not everyone bothers to complete that much information.

You can customize fields such as:

  • A story (a bit like a background paragraph about what you're looking for).
  • Your interests, hobbies, and likes.
  • Profile photo - bear in mind this is visible to everyone.

Overall, Zoosk profiles are of decent quality, but you'll need to verify your profile photo to ensure it's authentic.


The site offers a range of matching features, so you can search and browse through your suggested matches or play the Carousel game.

Carousel shows you profile suggestions, and you select yes, no, or maybe, and can further identify whether you'd like to match with or meet that person.

Match means that you'll go through to the SmartPick function, which then customizes your recommendations based on how likely the algorithm thinks you are to date another member.

Contact Other Users

Messaging is strictly premium (not even a limited number of messages in free account mode!). However, you can send smiles and hearts free of cost or purchase some coins and use them to pay for a digital gift.

Other options include matching through the Carousel game - although you must be clear in your profile whether you want to connect for a potential date or are interested in casual hookups.

Most members respond pretty quickly, although there are some unused profiles on the site where you won't expect a reply.

Expert Conclusion
Zoosk is innovative, modern, and slick, so it's a great dating option for US singles in their 20s and 30s who want an easy way to meet compatible dates without putting in too much legwork.
Yep, there are a couple of minor security concerns, but the profile verification tool means that it's one of the safest online dating options out there.