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What does the NSA, FWB, MBA Mean? Modern Dating Lingo Explained

You don’t understand the terminology used in modern hookup dating apps like Tinder? Yeah, well, they might be difficult to keep up with. Have you come across things like NSA, FWB, or MBA? And you have no idea what they mean, right!
Well, this article is going to cover the current dating lingo. So you can keep up with the abbreviations. Since you know it is difficult for you to follow abbreviations, make sure you write the full form so that there are no misunderstandings.
What Does NSA, FWB, MBA Stand for in Dating
Nop, it does not stand for the National Security Agency. It has a different meaning in dating. This article will tell you the full form and what they mean in dating and where you can use them.
In dating, it refers to “No Strings Attached”. You don’t want to invest any emotions in this other person. All you want is just casual sex, and don’t want any emotional attachments. NSA, in general terms, might also mean “No Secrets Anymore”.
Being in an NSA relationship means you are in a kind of open relationship with someone or just casually dating someone. It might not be an open relationship. It is just that you are taking your time trying to weigh your options to figure things out.
The full form for this one is “Friends with Benefits''. It is the type of relationship when you were very good friends, and then you felt attracted to each other sexually. The emotions might not be invested in this form of relationship.
Or you might also feel an emotional connection. This one is a tricky relationship. You should be careful with this type of casual sex because you might lose friends if things go wrong.
It originally stands for Masters in Business, but it is “Married but Available” in dating. Well there are many dating websites where you can set up your MBA profile. That is the dating some people seem to want and like.
Some men want to have sex with “lonely married women”. This might be considered cheating, but if both the husband and wife have talked about it, they are in an open hookup dating and MBA relationship.
This is something very commonly used among women. The term refers to someone keeping their options open. Basically, you are putting one relationship on hold because you see potential in another promising person.
It is not exactly good to carry or weigh in the options. But you need to make a good choice after all. It is better to give them a choice to date whoever they want. If they find someone else, they should move on.
This stands for “Define The Relationship''. It is like you are hanging out and having fun in each other's company, but you still haven't given a name to this relationship. You are confused about whether you are friends or if you want to date this person.
Sometimes being friends is the best because the types of emotions involved are different. Hookup dating might complicate everything. But you feel attracted to this person. This is the stage where you don’t want to define your relationship, and you are perplexed among your options.
This started with the modern dating era. When someone posted a much younger photo to get extra attention. When you finally decide to meet them on a date, they look much older than they looked in the photo. Being old doesn’t make them ugly. It is just that you were being lied to.
That is why it is always better to paint the real picture of dating apps. It is the same as being catfished but with someone much younger than what he/she is.
Well, this is not new in terms of what it means. The term seems new. So we all know that fire usually escapes from one open side, right! Similarly, the relationship is intense from one side.
One person is all in while the other person only responds or calls when he/she needs something. Maybe it is a booty call or some cash, or they need something they left at your place a long time ago. This type of relationship is a total waste of your time and attention. Rather invest time in someone who gives in their undivided attention to you.