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10 Common Mistakes When Hooking Up

Mistakes are what make us human beings. Don’t worry about being imperfect because everybody is in something or at a certain point. All you can do is learn from your mistakes and grow. We have brought the most common mistakes that people make when they are about to hookup dating. This article can help you to avoid making those mistakes.
1. Too Much Talking
Whether you are a girl or a boy, nobody likes a person who goes blabbering about their passions, interests, work, childhood, and other stuff. You might want to cut the air of awkwardness by starting a conversation about something but pay attention to whether the other person is participating in the conversation or not. You might want to talk about your burning and hidden desires and the nsa hookup positions you want to try.
2. Sex Talk
This one is a tricky one tricky because some people don’t want to talk much during hookup dating while others do. But it won’t hurt to try once. You want to enjoy the sex right, so let them know what makes you feel good. What is even more important is what you don’t enjoy. If there is a position that hurts you or a certain act you don’t like, just put it on the table. If you don’t tell them, they will never know, and you will end up sulking.
3. Investing Emotions
Emotions are difficult to handle, especially when you are going in for a nsa hookup. Steer clear of emotions and try not to commit to a next date immediately after great sex. Easy to say, right! But you have to be sure before you go into full relationship mode. Also, your partner has to be ready for it too. The reason your partner came into casual dating was probably that he doesn’t want any dating.
4. Being “Good”
Well, there are a set of people who care a lot about being good with this stranger in your bed. They end up not telling their real thoughts or feelings about sex, what they enjoy, and what they don’t enjoy. They end up not having fun in bed.
Therefore, don’t worry if you are not good in bed because nobody is perfect. Everybody’s body is different. So if you had some awkward moments or if you hit your partner by mistake, don’t worry; it is a part of the casual hookup.
5. Doing Things in the Heat of the Moment
Well, the sweet kisses, lingering tongue, and soft hands can make your head spin, and you might not be able to think straight. But if you have some set boundaries like you don’t want to have anal sex or don’t want to do a certain thing, it is totally fine. Let the other person those rules and let no one pressure you into doing those things.
6. Not Satisfying Yourself
People are so concerned with their sexual performance that they are constantly thinking about their partner's sexual satisfaction rather than themselves. You need to enjoy the sex as much as your partner. So give 50% of your attention to what you need to be satisfied. It can be a lot of pressure sometimes. But know that your needs are important.
7. Being a Pro
You don’t have to be a pro in the bed. The pressure alone can be quite disturbing and can affect your sexual urge. As the sex therapists always say, everybody is different, and there is absolutely no way to know everything about your partner all the time. Take your time. Try different things or ask what your partner likes.
8. Trying Weird Position
On the one hand, trying new positions during hookup dating is a great way to know what works for and what doesn’t, but you have to try strange sexual positions just because you must do something new. It will just add more awkwardness to the moment.
9. Not Taking Precaution When Meeting Someone New
All the dating apps and websites go through multiple authorizations and checks, but you cannot trust a stranger a hundred percent. And you are probably going to have sex with this person tonight. Let your friends and someone from your family know where you are going and when you will come back.
10. Not Using Protection
We all know and understand the importance of protection during nsa hookup and the kind of diseases you can get if you don’t use them. Certain people might not like using protection. Just know that you don’t have to agree to that. You can say that you will only have sex using protection. Never give in to anything else, whatever reason they give not to use protection.